Coffee Skills Program


"The Coffee Skills Program is the result of more than a year’s worth of collaborative work between professionals from both the American and European specialty coffee communities — involving passionate volunteers from the heritage SCAA’s Pathway Committees and the heritage SCAE's European Coffee Diploma System Creator groups."

Click the icons below to browse modules and reserve your space! 


Foundations bundle scheduling

Want more bang for your buck? Schedule your Foundations courses as a bundle.

Come to Ann Arbor for a few days and complete all your foundations courses in one fell swoop! Now offering both a Café Foundations Bundle (Brewing, Barista, Sensory) and Roasting Foundations Bundle (Sensory, Green, Roasting). 

Click below to schedule the right foundations bundle for you, today!

3 Skill Levels

Modules are available at three (3) skill levels. 

"Each modules is available at three different levels, with points attached at every stage. You may choose the modules that fit your interests and needs. Once you have achieved 100 points, you will be awarded the SCA Coffee Skills Diploma."

Lower lever courses are pre-requisites for higher level course. 


Foundation level courses provide beginner-level understanding of module topics. These courses are a great way to get a taste of a module, and help you decide if you'd like to delve deeper. Foundation level courses require NO previous experience.

Foundation courses take about 1 day to complete.


Intermediate level courses are designed for those who are already a part of the Specialty Beverage Industry and want to learn more. Basic knowledge of the module topic is required to enroll in intermediate level courses.

Intermediate courses take a minimum of 2 days to complete.


Professional level courses were created for those with a high level of experience in the Specialty Beverage Industry. Students must have a firm grasp of the module topic (or have completed beginner and intermediate level coursework) before enrolling in professional level courses. Comprehensive, real-world experience is recommended before attempting courses at this level.

Professional courses take a minimum or 3 days to complete.